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STAY > Hotel IMU, Kyoto

Finding a hotel in Kyoto for a reasonable price in the middle of Sakura season is hard. Not surprisingly the selection of incredible hotels and ryokans all increase the cost to stay or are booked out early and you are left with some other choices. One of those choices is the IMU Hotel, its…

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EAT > Mitsuyama, Osaka

A wander around the neighbourhood and looking into a doorway we discovered Mitsuyama, but they were booked out for dinner so we decided to commit and book for the following evening, a decision that turned out to be outstanding. It is a small restaurant, our party of five were the only diners this night but…

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EAT > Fujimaru, Osaka

Osaka is well known for its street food, with 222 listings in the Michelin Guide (3 for 3 star, 9 for 2 star and 80 for 1 star) you know that they are serious about food. But what about wine, well that is a little harder to find, especially if like us on…

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STAY > Andaz Hotel, Tokyo

Andaz is a luxury hotel part of the Hyatt brand and the Andaz Toranomon Hills (Tokyo) has recently been voted as one of the best hotels in Asia. So a great time to revisit what makes this such a great hotel. With 164 rooms in the tower and check in on the 51st floor…

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STAY > Circa 1936, Corowa

There is every chance you have never heard of Corowa, a sleepy town on the Murray River that also marks as the border between Victoria and New South Wales. The town was established in the 1850’s as a river port and it prospered with hotels, banks and a courthouse. That heritage has made…

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CAFE > Verve Cafe, Roppongi Hills

Over in Roppongi Hills right next door to the excellent design store ‘Living Motif’ you will find an outlet for the popular Verve Coffee (and roasters) chain. Here they do an excellent range of pour over coffee’s (some of them are quite specialised and they are priced in line ~¥1,500 for a…

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CAFE > Kitasando Coffee, Kitasando

Not far from the Meiji Jingue Temple in Yoyogi Park and sandwiched between the Shinjuku Goyen National Garden you will find the small suburban area of Kitasando (there is even a Kitasando station there on the Fukutoshin Line). In amongst the apartments and small shops you will find a coffee oasis Kitasando (it has…

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