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Goodman Roaster opened in Kyoto in 2019, it is a small cafe and coffee roaster with 85 different coffees from all over the world. One of the key differences is the Taiwanese coffee, owner Ito-san travelled from Kyoto to Taiwan and was introduced to coffee from the Alishan mountain area. His first venture was in Taiwan but now he has returned to Japan and opened Goodman Roaster in Kyoto.
Ito-san learned the coffee business working with Starbucks (which is incredibly successful as a mass market offering across Japan), but when he travelled to Taiwan he learned about light roast coffee’s and of coffee made with a Syphon.
That history has turned into excellent coffee in the Goodman Roaster cafe in Kyoto, it sits in a quiet back street, but regularly full of people searching out an excellent coffee.
There are a few snacks available such as Carrot Cake and Banana Bread but not much more, this is a place primarily to enjoy a really good coffee and that is something they do very well.
Image Credit | Crispy ALMANAK Magazine
hours |
Thur > Tue | 8.30am til 5.00pm
address |
Yadacho, 115-2
Shimogyo Ward, Kyoto
web |