Quickmill Rubino Black

So you are thinking about buying yourself a spunky new home coffee machine and you have done your research and you know you are in for spending about $2500 on a Rocket Appartemento, a Bezzerra EZ10, or a Quick Mill Rubino.

You will be looking for a copper heat exchanging boiler (all of the above feature 1.8 litre boilers), each also feature an E16 group head, steam wand, low water light (and audible alarm).

So how do you choose? Well one way to choose is the Quickmill does come in black and remarkably while the shiny chrome does look fab, it gets really dirty all the time. The Quickmill also has a 3 litre tank, and a 1500 watt heating element (vs 1300 watt).

The Rubino makes a perfect (and delicious) espresso, it has beautiful wooden handles for the steam wand (cool to touch) and hot water faucet (also cool to touch), with a matching wooden handle on the group head.

$2500 ALMANAK 4/5


Categories: DESIGN
Sebastian Somerled:


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